User Profile


When a project coordinator's email no longer works, you can update it with the correct email. If they no longer want to be contacted replace the email with (replace "username" with the user's username) and they will not receive any notifications or have their email address shown to the public. They will not be able to change their password because they won't receive the password reset link.

Demographic information

Demographic information is required when someone creates their own account.

Demographic information is required for project coordinators to be able to submit a project report.

Administrative Notifications

This is only available for administrator's profiles.

You can specify the actions you want to get notified about from your profile. Click on "My Profile" and then the "Edit" button.

Near the bottom of your profile is the "Administrative notifications" section. For each project type, indicate the actions you want to be notified about.

Click the "Add notification for another project type" to get another row for another project type.


This is only available to super admins to make a user a regional administrator for a region.