Review Teams

Post type: review_team

Shortcodes: [sare_proposals_manage_review_teams],  [sare_proposals_manage_review_teams]

NOTE: We plan to change the way review teams are used in the near future.

  • Create/Edit a team from the "Manage Review Teams" from the home page.
  • Teams are specific to a project type and region.
  • If you are not using teams or if you want to assign both teams and individuals to a proposal, you can assign individuals to review each proposal from the form's Manage proposals/Proposals Summary page
  • Use the "Assign Proposals" link on the "Manage Review Teams" page to assign a team to multiple proposals at one time
  • Review Teams can also be assigned to an individual proposal from the Proposals Summary page
  • If you will be using a final review, this is where you create the team to review all proposals
    • Final review teams are assigned from the Proposal Form -> Edit Form Details page
  • No notifications are sent to the reviewers when you add them to a team or assign them to a proposal
  • To notify the reviewers, use the "Send Email" link from the "Proposals Summaries" page
    • If you will be using the same group of people to review multiple proposals, create a team
    • Click "Add a/another team member" and search by first name, last name or email address
    • Click "Select" by the reviewer's name to add them
    • If they don't have an account click the "Create New User" link and a new window will popup
    • After creating a new user, close the "Create New User" window and search for the new userAdd and edit review teams
  • Create New User
    • Only create a new user if they don't have an account
      1. Enter a username and email (cannot belong to existing user) and continue
      2. Enter their first and last name and any other information you would like. First and last name are required
      3. Click "Add User"
      4. Close this window or click the link to add another user
    • Note: newly created users are not notified upon their account creation
    • Note: the newly created user will need to follow the instructions at: https://sare.projects.local/creating-or-resetting-your-password-instructions/ to create their password
  • Add a/another team member
    • Search Users - by name or email, then select the team member