Managing Proposals

Click on a proposal form. This is where you can get reports and view and manage the individual proposals for a grant. 

  • Create a report
    • Select the status of proposals to see and the fields to be displayed
    • After creating a report you can the export the results using the "Export to Excel" button
  • Send Email (to applicants or reviewers)
    • Select the recipients and click "Send Email".  A compose message window should appear using your default email application.
    • The recipients will be listed in the Bcc list.
  • Reviewers' report
    • A list of all the reviewers and the proposals assigned to them with the review scores.
    • Use to identify which reviewers have not completed their assigned reviews.
    • Export results to a spreadsheet so you can sort and filter as needed.
  • Click on the proposal title to view the proposal and it's reviews (opens in a new tab/window)
  • Click on the applicant's name to view the applicant's information (opens in a new tab/window)
  • fter signing into your account, from the main menu, under Proposals-> Manage -> select Proposal Summaries. Choose the desired grant, then select the appropriate “filter by” and “sort by” to show relevant proposals. A table will appear with the “Title/ Applicants/ State” listed for individual proposal forms. Click on the red “manage” button to show the following options:
  • Manage
    • View Proposal
      • duplicate of clicking on the proposal's title
    • Edit ID
      • choose a unique identifier for the proposal if you don't want to use the 6 digit number automatically generated
    • Edit Answers
      • edit the proposal - use with caution and only with the approval of the applicant!
    • Edit Reviewers
      • duplicate of the "Edit Reviewers" button
      • add/edit teams and/or individual reviewers for this proposal
      • Reviewer Type and Primary/Secondary/Tertiary are optional
        • these are only for display, they have no function
    • View Scores & Comments
      • a page with just data from the reviews - not the application data
        • click on the +/- button to expand/collapse the response details (individual reviewers' answers)
    • Approve/Reject
      • select this option to approve or reject a proposal
      • if approved 
        • Enter amount to be funded
        • Enter the contract start date
        • Enter the contract end date
        • Project number
        • Reviewer Comment Summary (to be shared with the applicant)
          1. “Insert all review comments into form input” OR
          2. "Browse Reviews" to see and copy reviewer's comments
        • for pre-proposals - a new full proposal for this applicant will be created with the appropriate fields copied
          1. the associated full proposal form must be created before any pre-proposals are approved with any fields that are going to be copied from the pre-proposal
          2. SARE IT creates the association between the pre-proposal and the full proposal
        • admin comments - notes to be seen only by the admins
      • If rejected
        • Add reviewer comment summary (to be shared with the applicant)
          1. “Insert all review comments into form input” OR
          2. "Browse Reviews" to see and copy reviewer's comments
        • Add admin comments (for admins only)
  • Manage
    • Notification History
      • a history of the notification messages sent from the system related to this proposal
    • Send Notification
      • send a new notification message (e.g. to notify about acceptance/rejection or any follow up communications)
  • Edit Reviewers
    • add/edit the reviewers for this proposal
  • Edit Fundable Score
    • administrators can use this field to prioritize or rank the proposals
    • score/rank/rating applied by the admin