Final Decisions

/proposals/111/final-decision/ - Approve/Reject proposal #111

shortcode: [sare_proposals_final_decision]

Is this proposal approved?

Yes - pre-proposals will create a new full proposal based on this proposal

Yes - full proposals will create a project and draft report based on this proposal.

No - will delete the associated full proposal or project and report

Clear - will delete the associated full proposal or project and report as well as well as the final decision status (returns to "no final decision")

Full proposal required fields: "Amount to fund" and "Project number"

Reviewer comment summary - will be used to pre-populate the first notification message sent.

"Insert all review comments" will insert a summary of the reviewer's comments (final reviewers' comments are not included) at the cursor position.

Admin comments - only seen by administrators on this page and the proposal's page

If a final decision has been made, then only the Reviewer comment summary and Admin comments can be updated without changing or clearing the approval status. If the amount to fund or contract/project end date need to be changed, they should be changed by editing the project's details.

The Contract start date is only stored with the proposal. There is no corresponding field associated with projects.